
UX Design - Mentor & Author.

30 Aug, 2023

UX UI Design Roadmap 2023

If you are planning to venture into the field of UX design in 2023 and find yourself unsure of where or how to begin, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to help you secure your dream job. By following our recommended steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your career aspirations. Also, customize the journey by incorporating your own steps based on your unique circumstances and available resources. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together.

Start With Why?

Before diving into the field of UX UI design, it’s important to establish why you specifically want to pursue this path, considering the multitude of other options available. If you are transitioning from a different career, take a moment to reflect on the reasons behind this change. This introspection will provide clarity and a sense of direction, helping you identify your desired destination. Many individuals abandon their journey midway due to a lack of strong underlying motivation. Therefore, it is crucial to first discover your personal “why” before progressing to the next step.

Begin by focusing on the fundamentals of UX design

Gaining a solid understanding of the basics of UX design is crucial. It’s important to comprehend what UX design entails, explore the various job opportunities within the field, and familiarize yourself with the roles involved in both UX and UI design. To acquire this knowledge, consider enrolling in a beginner-friendly online course, such as those available on Udemy or the Google UX course on Coursera. Taking such a course will provide you with a foundational understanding of UX and related concepts. I highly recommend starting with the Google UX course on Coursera as a valuable starting point. Additionally, you can supplement your learning by watching YouTube videos and reading UX design blogs to deepen your understanding of the fundamentals.

Enroll in a Design School 

Once you have familiarized yourself with the basics of UX design, you may find yourself eager to delve deeper and gain practical experience. Consider enrolling in a UX/UI course at a reputable design school. It’s advisable to select a course that spans approximately 3-6 months, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Alternatively, if you have the time and resources, you may opt for a university program that typically lasts 2-3 years. When choosing a design school, exercise caution and conduct thorough research. Seek advice from past graduates and mentors to ensure you make an informed decision. It’s essential to select a program that not only imparts the concepts of UX design but also aids in the creation of your portfolio. Your portfolio plays a vital role in this journey, and we will discuss it in more detail later. Whether you prefer an offline or online format, choose the design school that aligns best with your preferences, ensuring it is reputable and trustworthy.

Build Your Portfolio

Upon enrolling in a design school, you will be tasked with identifying and solving a user problem as part of your project. However, it’s important not to limit yourself to just one project. Aim to create a portfolio comprising 6-8 diverse projects that encompass various aspects, such as websites, responsive designs, mobile applications, dashboards, and more. This comprehensive portfolio will enable employers to evaluate your skills more effectively in comparison to other candidates. Once you have developed these projects, you’ll need a platform to showcase them. You can utilize websites like Behance and Dribbble, or you can create your own personal website specifically designed to display your projects. Choose the option that suits you best and create your portfolio accordingly. Keep in mind that it is preferable to prioritize quality over quantity. Avoid rushing to design a large number of projects and instead focus on creating high-quality projects that truly showcase your abilities. Present yourself as an experienced professional rather than a beginner. Consequently, include only your best projects in your portfolio, ensuring you leave no room for the employer to doubt your expertise.


Start the Job Hunt

Now that you’ve crafted your portfolio, it’s time to take the next step you’ve been eagerly anticipating. Begin by compiling a list of companies you aspire to join. Aim to include at least 30-50 potential employers and start monitoring their job openings closely. To enhance your job-seeking efforts, ensure you have a well-crafted LinkedIn profile or enhance your existing one. Connect with fellow designers, recruiters, and industry experts to expand your network. Staying active on LinkedIn will increase your visibility, making it easier for potential employers to notice you.

While landing your dream job may require some time and patience, avoid becoming anxious or disheartened. Instead, embrace the journey and enjoy the process. Set specific criteria for your ideal job, such as expected salary, job type, company size, and more. Having these criteria in mind will help you avoid ending up in a position that might not align with your aspirations, potentially affecting your career growth as a UX designer. As you begin the application process, keep your LinkedIn profile active and strive to connect with as many designers as possible. With determination and perseverance, you’ll be on your way to finding the perfect opportunity for your career.


Here is the roadmap to enter the field of UX design in 2023. Remember, you can personalize these steps according to your preferences, but ensure that you follow through with the entire journey. There may be moments when you feel discouraged, but don’t give up; consistency is key. Stay committed and you will undoubtedly achieve your dream position. By now, you should have a clear understanding of where and how to begin. Don’t wait for the perfect moment; the time is now. Find your why, enroll in the Google UX course, join a design school, create an impressive portfolio, and embark on your job hunt. Best of luck on your journey, and rest assured, you will certainly secure your dream job.