
UX Design - Mentor & Author.

11 Dec, 2019

1 Day Field Trip to Understands the Culture of South India

Aspira Innovative Learning is an exclusive training academy for UI UX Design. As part of our curriculum, we visit historical places and conduct the field study in various aspects which includes ethnography and cultural studies. It helps them to enhance their observation and understanding skills. It helps them to increases their ability level in UX research. We are organizing an one day field trip for students to visit historical places in and around Chennai or Bangalore.

Aspira Student taking notes from Tamilnadu Region house.

We had arranged a 1 day field trip to Dahkshinchitra which is located in ECR, Chennai. DakshinaChitra is an exciting cross cultural living museum of art, architecture, lifestyles, crafts and performing arts of South India.

Tamilnadu Region house — Grandma and Grand children playing doll

Dakshinchitra had preserved the houses of South India — Includes Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala. It’s not only preserve the houses, and also has valuable information of the people & their lifestyle from these locations who lives in couple of decades ago.

Temple of South India

We split the students into 4 groups. We assign each group with one region. Students visits their respective region and understand & take notes of the region.

Students Sharing their experience with others

Aspirants are enjoying and conduct their study. They have taken the notes and mark their questions. In the evening, each team starts sharing their experience and their understanding of the region with others. They had raised their questions which they couldn’t find answer.

Rambal (Right Corner with Black T-Shirt) with Students

“ I strongly believe — To gain a rich and real knowledge, go out and get your hands dirty.”

Founder & Mentor, Aspira

All their queries and questions were answered by Rambal — Founder and Mentor of Aspira UI UX Design Academy. We conclude the session and left the place with pleasant memories.