

UX UI Design Orientation Program by Rambal

UX UI Design Orientation Program by Rambal

Rambal conducting a UI UX Design orientation program. This Orientation program helps you to understand the interactive learning method or activity based learning.  You can understand the better way of learning at Aspira.

This UI UX (User Interface/User Experience) design orientation program can be a great way to introduce newcomers to the field, provide them with essential knowledge, and help them understand the principles and practices of UI UX design.


  1. Overview of the Design Process
  2. UI UX Design Tools
  3.  System requirements.
  4. Emerging Trends in UI UX Design
  5. Career Paths in UI UX Design
  6. Overview of different roles within the UI UX field.
  7. Advice on building a successful career in UI UX design.
  8. Live Q&A Session with Rambal.

You can acquire valuable insights from participating in this live online session.

Speaker Profile

Rambal –  Mentor, Aspira Design