
UX Design - Mentor & Author.

16 Jul, 2022

UI UX Design Case Study & Portfolio 


Every UI & UX Design course ends with a case study and paves a path to creating a portfolio. They both are important for every UX UI designer. 

In this blog post, I am explaining the purpose, structure, and best practices of a UI UX Design case study and portfolio. 

What is a UI & UX Design case study?

UI UX Design Case Study


UX/UI case study is a visual document that contains detailed information about a specific project. It showcases the entire process in a step-by-step fashion. More or less, the case study is an extensive document narrating all the criteria of the project.  



Purpose of UI UX Design Case Study

The motive of the UI/UX case study is to portray your UI designing and UX skills. 

In an interview, recruiters or clients measure your UI design capability with the help of a time-bound design assessment. Your output shows your knack for designing screens or modules. Yet they cannot uncover the UX skills in this assessment. In most cases, interviewers ask theoretical questions to cross-check your UX knowledge. But if you have a case study, you get ahead in the line by narrating it. It displays your proficiency in UX, research ability, and potential to give a comprehensive solution. 


A high-level UX/UI case study has four components: introduction, process, UI design, and lessons. 


Your introduction should contain the project outline, scope, challenges, and your role in the project. It is an overall outline of the project.


Explain the adopted procedure. You need to disclose your high-level steps and explain each. While explaining the steps, ensure it is appealing and narrative. 

UI Design

In this step, you need to show each screen, and the problem you solved in each of them. Along with the screens, you need to justify your solution (approach) to the problem statement. You need to explain why you have added each element to the screen.

Ending the portfolio

You can conclude the case study with your teachings and insights. List out the inferences as the final verdict summarizing the project. 


It is a collection of your projects. The portfolio is a mix of your case study, design, and walk-through. It is a mini repository with all essential documents for a client or a job interview. 


From the employer’s perspective, a portfolio speaks about your skills. It shows your ability to adopt diverse projects or industries. The diversified projects help interviewers to interpret your unique creativity and your insights into the works. 

Best Practices 


UI UX Design Portfolio

From my experience in UX/UI designing, teaching, and project management, here are a few professional tips you can practice for mastering the design art. 

1.  Don’t maintain your project files in google drive or a cloud-based storage in PDF, or document formats. They are large and therefore take more time to load at the client’s end. Sometimes the systems don’t support it either. 

2.  Use Behance, Dribble, Medium, and Notion to maintain your portfolio. All these websites help you share the link in your resume, email, and other communication channels. 

     .  Dribble helps to maintain your designs, and shots and is useful for UI designers. 

     .  Medium and Notion are for UX designers where they can show the extensive research and documentation and take a content-driven approach. 

     .  In case you want to show both together as a detailed portfolio, prefer Behance

3.  A chef distinguishes himself from an ordinary cook through presentation skills. Likewise, your case study should be visually appealing. Unlike a normal case study, the in-depth content will not work. Your pictures, design elements, and feel should narrate a story of your project and also about you. Because you are not a cook, but a chef, i.e. a professional UX/UI designer. 

Aspira Student Portfolio

Thanga Abirami – https://www.behance.net/thangaabirami
Raja Pradeep – https://www.behance.net/rajapradeep
Priyadarshini –https://www.behance.net/priyajayavel
More Portfolios – https://www.behance.net/aspiradesign


In this post, I have given an overall idea about creating your UX/UI case study and portfolio. If you are looking for templates or reference materials, please visit Aspira Student Projects

Let me know in the comments your best practices in maintaining a portfolio or case study

Watch the video in Tamil – Explained by Rambal

UI UX Design Case Study & Portfolio